"If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at when you're old." ~ Edgar Watson Howe


Activity Professionals are ALWAYS doing something for someone else. It's our job, but do you ever take the time to rejuvinate and do something special for yourself? Well you should, you deserve it!

Theta Mom has a great idea to help motivate & inspire you. Read what she has to say.

We need to find at least one hour in one month to do something that we find enjoyable. The hitch? It must be time spent without the kids.
Do something for yourself ladies! Treat yourself to a manicure, begin reading that book you’ve been meaning to start, shop for something totally new, get back on that treadmill again, have lunch with a good friend, pour yourself a glass of wine, have a date-night with your significant other, blog to your heart’s content, sip a White Chocolate Mocha at Starbucks while you tweet… whatever floats your boat as long as you are taking time for yourself without the kids. Carve out some time for you because you deserve it!

Do you believe you deserve this? Click HERE to find out how you can become a part of this.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for blogging about it and I am so glad you will join us!!! Should be FUN! We all deserve a break!
